A tribute, dedication to Princess Diana. Facebook covers, links, Icons, etc. More coming soon! Please bare with me. Enjoy your stay. I just adored her. Check out my site for her. Thanks!
tyler fans
A site tribute to Tyler Henry. He is a Hollywood Medium but he just doesn't read celebs. He does more! He's really good! Check out my site dedicated to him. Thanks Tyler! (P.S)Thanks Karmen aka sis! For my own .com. Your great! : Enjoy!
luv matt
This is a tribute site for actor Matthew Perry! He is best known for his role as "Chandler Bings" on the tv show called "Friends". Enjoy!
Chris fans is a fan site for actor Chris Tucker. He played in Friday and Rush hour 1, 2 and 3. He's so friggen' funny. omg! He's great! Try and watch a few of his movies. Then you'll know what I mean.
Em Fans
This site is a fansite tribute to rapper Eminem. You can listen to "The real slim shady". Lose yourself and so much other wonderful songs he created and rapped too. Em' Your the best! Keep doing what you do. Never mind the haters. You GOOOO EM!!!!!
omar fans
Here is a website tribute to youtuber Omargosh! He is fab! He is brave and kind. Check out my site for Omar! :)
lady di